Donate: REVOLUTION Land Fill & Compaction
Fund: REVOLUTION Land Fill & Compaction
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Help from Home!
Your help is needed with the current phase of construction for a REVOLUTIONARY new clinic! Over the next four weeks, 2,160 truckloads of fill costing $98 each are needed to complete the land compaction phase. You can be a part of our construction crew without leaving the country by providing the funds to excavate, transport, dump, and compact a truckload of fill!
Why is Land Compaction Important?
The clinic site has a typical soil with a thick layer of topsoil material. This topsoil is wonderful for agriculture and plants, but it is not a proper material under a structure. We have removed this topsoil to an average depth of 50 centimeters. To build the site up to a higher elevation, we are currently placing a “fill” material on the property site. This “fill” material will act as a huge footer for the clinic building and parking/road areas. The material is tested at the mine for proper compaction characteristics and requirements, and then tested again during the fill and compaction process. It will be spread in layers or “lifts” of 20cm, wetted down and then compacted with a vibrating compactor, rolling it several times. Once completed, the building will be constructed on this very hard, concrete-like compacted fill.

Per IRS regulations, contributions are made with the understanding that SRI has control over the use of donated funds. If, however, funds are unable to be applied according to original donor intent, the donor will be contacted before funds are allocated in a different manner.