Solid Rock International

Child Nutrition Program

The Child Nutrition Program (CNP) is a faith-based ministry that provides milk and nutritious foods to malnourished children along with health education for their caregivers. In addition, communities are instructed in the areas of food preparation, sanitation, and birth control methods to increase the reach and effectiveness of the program.

In the early days of the CNP, staggering survey results showed that 50% of children in the area of San Juan de la Maguana suffered from some degree of malnutrition. Due to its successful influence over the years, the program has since relocated to the more rural town of El Cercado where there is greater need. A nutritionist helps oversee the care of around 100 children who are typically enrolled. Children generally receive care for approximately two years before graduating.

The CNP has positively impacted thousands of children in need since its inception in 1991. Thank you for your consideration of getting involved with this life-changing ministry. Your support provides crucial care and a brighter future for children in need.


  • Children are evaluated and enter the program based on their level of malnutrition.
  • Children visit the clinic monthly to be weighed, evaluated, and to receive a supply of vitamins and milk.
  • Regular home visits and health education are provided.
  • Families pay a small fee to encourage a sense of ownership and investment.
  • Physical therapy and additional medical attention are available as needed.
  • A Bible-based literacy program is offered to give caretakers skills needed for an adequate job.


A monthly gift of just $45/month to the CNP covers the expenses of one child in the program. More ongoing support is still needed! You can also choose to make a one-time gift. Thank you for your generosity!